Group therapy and wellness programs
The Psychosocial Service of the Hellenic Association of Women with Breast Cancer "Alma Zois" provide to the Organization's members, women with breast cancer experience, free group therapy and wellness programs.
Through group programs, women have the opportunity to get to know themselves better, improve their interpersonal relations, learn how to handle stress and to effectively deal with the difficulties in their lives and get stronger.
You can only register in one group therapy or wellness program at a time. In order to attend the programs, you have to be a member of Hellenic Association of Women with Breast Cancer “Alma Zois”.
The participations for any group is free.
The program is funded by the net revenues of Greece Race for the Cure®
Group therapy and wellness programs -2024
Self-awareness group
The group aims to highlight our thinking and behaviour through participation in experience-based exercises and the analysis of the resulting data throughout the course of the group.
- Froso Tzitziropoulou, Psychologist of the Hellenic Association of Women with Breast Cancer “Alma Zois”
- Christiana Mitsi, Psychologist of the Hellenic Association of Women with Breast Cancer “Alma Zois”.
- Group’s start date: 27.01.2024
- Date and time of the program: Saturday 10am – 3pm
- Venue: 11 Ipeirou str., 2nd Floor
- Duration: 6 sessions
- Number of Participants: 10
- Registration: Online until 22/12/2023
*Important: Prior to the start of the group there will be an individual appointment with the facilitators
Support group for women in the first year after diagnosis
The group aims to manage the emotions and difficulties and/or changes that may arise after diagnosis and during the period of treatment that will follow.
- Froso Tzitziropoulou, Psychologist of the Hellenic Association of Women with Breast Cancer “Alma Zois”
- Christiana Mitsi, Psychologist of the Hellenic Association of Women with Breast Cancer “Alma Zois”.
- Group’s start date: 23.1.2024
- Date and time: Tuesday 12pm – 2pm
- Venue: Online (zoom)
- Duration: 6-8 sessions
- Number of Participants: 10
- Registration: Online until 22/12/2023
*Important: Prior to the start of the group, an individual appointment with the facilitators will take place
Stress management group for women 2-5 years after diagnosis
The group aims to provide psychoeducation in basic stress management skills for women who are two to five years post-diagnosis
- Froso Tzitziropoulou, Psychologist of the Hellenic Association of Women with Breast Cancer “Alma Zois”
- Anthi Androvitsanea, Psychologist of the Hellenic Association of Women with Breast Cancer “Alma Zois”
- Start date: 25.01.2024
- Date and time: Thursday 5pm – 7pm
- Venue: 11 Ipeirou str., 2nd Floor
- Duration: 8 sessions
- Maximum number of participants: 10
- Registration: By phone (2104180006 ext. 25 and 24) until 22/12/2023
*Important: Before the group starts, an individual appointment with the facilitators will take place
Wellness programs 2024
The group programmes will take place online, through the zoom platform, and in person.
You can only register in one group.
Therapeutic Photography Workshop
Alma Zois hosts a therapeutic photography workshop for women with breast cancer experience, implemented by the Art in Health Organization “Eyes of Light”, with the support of the Ioannis S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation.
Priority for participation will be given to those within 5 years of the (most recent) diagnosis.
Dimitra Ermistidou, Eyes of Light – Art in Health (
- Start date: 23.2.2024
- Date and Time: Friday 4pm – 6pm
- Venue: 11 Ipeirou str., 2nd Floor
- Duration: 12 two-hour sessions
- Number of Participants: 10 people
- Registration: Online, until 19.1.2024, here:
The workshop does not require any special knowledge of photography.
The only requirements are:
The only requirement is that the user must have a camera and a mobile phone, a camera and a digital camera, and that he/she must fill in a consent form (conditions of participation, protection of personal data and copyright).
For more information about the workshop, please contact
Choir of the Soul- "Coro del Alma"
Our choir is addressed to women with breast cancer, members of the ALMA ZOIS Association, regardless of their age or the time that has passed since their surgery and/or treatment for breast cancer. Through music and singing, participants have the opportunity to better manage the emotions that arise from the disease, creatively process their stress and increase their confidence. It is also an important way to explore the musicality and rhythm within themselves. In addition to their love of music and their desire to participate in the choir, participants are not required to have any special musical knowledge and/or special vocal abilities
Martha Moreleón
- Day & Hours: Every second Tuesday of the month 5pm-7pm.
- Venue: 11 Ipeirou str., 2nd Floor
- Registration Form:
Theater Group
Athena Pappa, actress and director
- Group start: 16/10/2023.
- Date and time: Monday, 4pm-8pm
- Venue: 11 Ipeirou str., 2nd Floor
- Number of Participants: 15
Registration: 210 4180006, Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm
“Acting is a great journey of self-discovery.
Through this journey you discover aspects of yourself that you didn’t know, you learn to love yourself, express your emotions, and improve your psychology.
By learning theatre , you learn first and foremost about yourself, you interact with others, you let go of your emotions, you taste the joy of life!
Theatre as a living organism, which includes all performing arts, is not a solitary art.
It is teamwork and teamwork, which brings us closer to each other, liberates us, and ultimately improves us as human beings!
We will try through this theatrical group made up of women who have experienced breast cancer , to move on, to other paths that the acting art will offer us , deepening ourselves and creating pleasure in ourselves and others around us, giving a message of life.
Because life is beautiful!!!!”
Athena Pappa Director-Actress
3 Yoga groups are held online
- Monday 6pm-7pm – Start 30/10
- Wednesday 7pm-8pm – Start 1/11
- Friday 11am-12pm (Chair Yoga) – Start 3/11