Grant for research in the field of psycho-oncology (specializing in breast cancer) in Greece.

Study of cancer’s psycho – emotional distress and the ways of improving patients’ life quality is a research field of great importance, since a big part of cancer patients experience severe emotional and adaptation difficulties after cancer diagnosis. Therefore, acknowledging the importance of psycho-oncology research, specializing in breast cancer, “Alma Zois” will fund for the academic year 2018-2019 two (2) doctoral thesis that have already been approved or will be until 31/05/2019 in Greece.

Thesis should pertain to groundbreaking research in the field of psycho-oncology and in particular breast cancer in one of the following thematics:

  • Breast cancer patients’ distress in Greece
  • Metastatic breast cancer patients’ needs and ways of improving their life quality

The program is carried out in Higher Education Institutions and research centers in Greece and will last till consummation of the funded thesis.

The jury of the program consisted of the honorable:

  • Kyriopoulos Giannis,
    Emeritus Professor of Health Economics, National School of Public Health
  • Boukovinas Ioannis, MD, PhD, PharmaD
    Pathologist - Oncologist
    Scientific Officer of the Oncology Unit of the Bioclinic of Thessaloniki
  • Gazouli Maria,
    Associate Professor of Molecular Biology, Medical School of EKPA
  • Karveli Spyridoula,
    Health Psychologist, MSc,
    Scientific Associate of the First Psychiatric Clinic, Aeginiteio Hospital
  • Karkanias Athanasios,
    Psychiatrist - Psychotherapist. NSS Director at GNTHA "I SOTIRIA"
    Head of Liaison Psychiatry and the Department of Psychology.
    President of the Psycho-Oncology Department of the Hellenic Psychiatric Society [EDE].
    Vice President of the Interconnection branch of SAD
  • Gavriilidou Cleopatra,
    President of the Board of the Hellenic Association of Women with Breast Cancer "Alma Zois
  • Mitsi Christiana,
    Psychologist, MSc,
    Scientific Director of the Hellenic Association of Women with Breast Cancer "Alma Zois"

approved the grant of funding in the form of scholarships for the following doctoral dissertations:

  • "Emotional burden, post-traumatic stress and quality of life in Greek women who survived breast cancer" with researcher Ms. Zoe Santa
  • "The effect of physical activity on depressive symptoms and quality of life in women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer", with researcher Mrs. Efrosini Patsou

Members of the Board of the Association "Alma Zois" welcomed the award-winning researchers at the offices of the Association (September 2019)